

I told myself when I started this artistic journey that I would surrender to the process. I would take the opportunities that came my way, even if I wouldn’t normally consider them outside of this adventure. I wanted to see where life would take me. Boy has it been an interesting year so far!

My first challenge was starting this website. With a gentle nudge from a friend I dove into the unknown. I didn’t know what to expect from this experience. Was the website going to help me promote myself? Would it be too time consuming? Costly? I had a lot of reservations about the whole process but went ahead and started building the site you see now. It’s not perfect and I hope to provide more of a streamlined look in the future, but for right now it works and it is allowing me to connect with you…where ever you happen to be. :-)

The second challenge came when I was asked to submit some work in an art show for International Women’s Day. I was nervous, insecurities reared their heads, I wanted to say no to the chance but forced a “sure I’ve got some art to include.” I have been creating silently for so long that I became worried my art wasn’t relevant to anyone but myself. I had a lot of self-doubt, but I reminded the nagging voice in my head that I was going to surrender and give this a try. So I did and the show was great. Afterward I was glad I didn’t turn down the chance.

Again and again these opportunities have bubbled up and I've taken them all. Big and small, all steps towards my goal of someday being able to focus completely on this wonderful career in the arts that I have always wanted. Surrender has been a huge turning point for me this year and instead of letting the fear of the unknown get the better of me, I have said yes to what ever the universe has sent my way.

My personal surrender experiment is only just beginning and there are still many opportunities just waiting for me to say yes to. I’m excited, and a little nervous, to discover the path unfolding before me.