

Been a while since I posted on the blog but today I thought I’d talk a little bit about tools! Tools can be your friend or your enemy if you don't have the right ones. I've found over the years, through experimentation, that you need to try as many as possible to determine what works best for your practice.

Since I’ve been on a bit of a watercolour kick lately these are some of the tools in my watercolour arsenal that I can't work without now:

* good paper (colded pressed with a smoother texture for me but sometimes I like more texture). I like Arches or Strathmore.
* paint with quality pigment and optimal translucency like Winsor & Newton. There are so many paint brands out there and I would like to explore more of these
* artist level brushes (these tend to hold paint better and distribute evenly). I’ve been using Winsor & Newton lately and love them!
* Ink pens (I use Pigma micron and sakura pens mostly)
* masking tape
* sketchbook
* pencil and eraser
* white acrylic paint pen for applying details in white that pop (Try Montana extra fine)
* paper cutter
* ruler (also for tearing paper)
* cutting matt

Although my toolbox has changed slightly over the years I seem to always use good graphite pencils, an eraser and sketchbook. You can never have too many sketchbooks! I hope you find this helpful if you are just starting out on your watercolour journey. There are so many products out there it can be tough to decide what to use and where to find it. If you need any more guidance please send me a message through the contact form and I would love to help you.

Yours in art, Bridgette