

This sort of ties into the last post about first steps, because there was and is an element of timing that is needed to launch your dreams into motion. Despite having been artistic my whole life, I lacked the confidence and timing to pull off a website and an art career. The timing is still tricky with my full-time job and single parent lifestyle, but the confidence factor has definitely increased over the years which has allowed the timing to align.

I also just came to a realization that I’m always going to be busy and unsure of myself at times. I suppose that is just human nature. Learning to enjoy the journey and trusting I’m in the right stage of the game has been crucial. Surrendering to the forces beyond my control is helpful for many reasons; less stress, anxiety and pressure to be perfect. Making art is a time consuming process, despite being a very therapeutic one. Making time for creating is something I am constantly balancing within my day-to-day life, but I realize that without creating I am less able to cope with life’s challenges. It’s also just a part of who I am and to not honour that is like denying my very existence.

Timing is tricky but when it all comes together this magical thing formulates that allows you to enjoy the effort that was needed to make it all happen at the “right time.” It’s a pretty blissful experience when timing and effort collide. Now go make something with the time you have!