What You Think You Become


If you asked me what I thought of my art practice 3 years ago, I would have said it’s a hobby, not a career. Today It’s a career and even more importantly, my passion. It took a lot for me to recognize this. Believe it or not I wasn’t always sure of my abilities and talents; If you’ve read any of the other posts you’ve heard me write about my artistic struggles. The power of thoughts and their ability to sabotage success has been a reoccurring theme in my life. I think too much in general and despite my knowing that overthinking kills creativity, I have done it over and over in my life on this artistic journey. I’ve become my negative thoughts so many times. Times when I told myself I was crap, untalented, unable to be the creative person I am. Changing those patterns and behaviours was tough. It wasn’t an overnight transference into this realm of positive thinking. I made a conscious shift to manifest more good in my life a while ago and part of that was to think like I was already successful at this art thing. Instead of thinking “I’ll be successful one day,” I told myself, “I’m successful in this moment, right freaking now.” Wouldn’t you believe this crazy idea worked! Ha! The very moment I started to manifest this thought process was the very first time I had friends start buying art from me. It was also the first time I began to see that I am what I think.

Fast forward to the present moment as I type this blog post and reflect on what i’m manifesting now. My goal in opening up to you is for you to see that success (and lord help me I hate that word because it has all these attachments to it) is 90% mental and 10% hustle. You HAVE to believe in yourself, in your dream, in every moment of the journey. If you think for even a moment you “can’t” or you’re not “enough”, you’ve blown it. Nike was right when they coined the tag line “Just Do It” (forgive me TM law people!). Believe IT. Do IT. Be IT. There is no room for you to give up on yourself. See yourself doing it and you will become it.